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Packages for Hurricane Katrina Kidz

Drop Off


Hi, I am Spencer Towbin.  I am 10 years old.  Recently while watching the news about Hurricane Katrina with my parents I wondered what the kids my age had to do.  I'm sure that they are scared, frightened and a little bored.

I noticed that assistance is going for the basic needs that I learned about in Junior Achievement such as clothing, food, water and shelter.  Assistance is also going for infants; items like diapers, formula and pacifiers.  I did not see items going for kids my age.

My Dad asked me what I could do.  I decided to send packages of goodies to how ever many children affected by Katrina that I could.  These bags have items such as coloring books & crayons, small stuffed animals, small toys, small games and books.  Just a little something small for these children to play with.  I know that this will not bring back the homes and missing loved ones, but perhaps it will bring a smile to some children during this time of crisis.

I have gone around to many businesses in my community.  Friends of mine have also joined me.  We have seen a very positive response.  It is wonderful to see our community doing what they can to help out.

I have had emails and phone calls from many people with donations or asking how they can help.  Thank you to everyone doing what they can for those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Spencer Towbin
Founder of Project Kidz Pak

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